Hey there! My name is Rahul Baid. I am a final year student in the National University of Singapore (NUS). I am doing my Bachelors in Computer Science, where I am specialising in Artificial Intelligence and Database Systems (currently in pursuit). I am also doing a minor in Statistics to learn more about meaningful analysis and interpretation of data. I will be graduating in May 2021.
I love travelling, hiking, cycling, playing my guitar and randomly reading about different topics in History, Math, Psychology, Finance, Neuroscience, and just generally growing knowledge about different things (I know a lot of random facts).
More Information
Resume: Link
Email: rahul.baid@u.nus.edu
Github: rahulb99
LinkedIn: rahul-baid
Programming Languages: Python, Scala, Java, Javascript, R, SQL (and familiar with C/C++)
Tools and Frameworks: Tensorflow, Keras, PyTorch, Spark, NodeJS, React, Redux, Hadoop (HBase, HDFS), MySQL, MongoDB, Google Cloud Platform (BigQuery, Data Studio, Cloud SQL, Dialogflow)
Machine Learning Engineer Intern @ Dathena
December 2020 – March 2021
- AI R&D team. Current work/research revolves around Data Loss Prevention (DLP) and Data Privacy.
Software Engineering Intern @ Treatsure
December 2019 – January 2020
- Worked on the App and dashboards team, with tasks mainly relating to feature improvements and bugs fixing.
- Ideated a couple of new exciting features in the app that would help us further grow the userbase.
Software Engineering Intern @ Rakuten Asia
May 2019 – August 2019
- Worked on feature updates on the browser extensions (Rakuten Web Search Toolbar) using React, Redux and NodeJS, with code pushed to production and release. This project helped me learn about some key software engineering principles in practise and apply my knowledge on software design, abstractions and documentation.
- Worked on certain client-side security issues like clickjacking, Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) and bug fixes involving Internet Explorer and Firefox browser extensions.
- Contributed to Rakuten Tech Guide pages, regarding the skills I had learnt, and suggestions and ideas for my team's product- browser extension and mobile apps.
Teaching Assistant @ NUS School Of Computing
January 2019 – May 2019
- Undergraduate tutor for CS2100 - a module about a computer’s hardware fundamentals involving practicals on Logic trainer, QtSpim and Logisim.
College Intern (Software Engineer) @ HP Inc. Singapore
May 2018 – September 2018
- Worked on the Interactive Display Project - developed the front-end of the display with features like audio-enabled guide, and easy-to-use interface.
- Built interactive dashboards using PowerBI,and a production-ready chatbot using Dialogflow and Socket.io
- Reduction of time taken by nearly 70% in providing overview of printer manufacturing to HP Visitor and other HP engineers through an interactive experience.
Code for Community @ Autism Resource Center
January 2019 - Present
- As a part of this initiative, I was involved in teaching young autistic adults the basics of Robotics using Dot, Dash and Cue, as well as equip them with the fundamentals of web and application development, ultimately to help them with employability.
National University Of Singapore
- Teaching Assistant: Computer Organisation (AY1819S2), Natural Language Processing (AY2021S2), Neural Networks and Deep Learning (AY2021S2)
- Project Director in NUS Statistics Society: Organising workshops and events, most notably NUS Data Science Hackathon
- Cluster Leader at Prince George’s Park Residences: Assisting residents in dorms and organising activites to promote bonding (2 years and ongoing)
- NUS Entrepreneurship Society: Reaching out to startup leaders to invite them to deliver talks @ NUS Hangar
- Orbital Mentor: Helped 12 students succeed in building a software project
- NUS PGP Photography Club: Learnt a bit of Adobe Lightroom.
Georgia Institute of Technology
Studied here as part of the Student Exchange Program (SEP). Took some interesting courses and met some awesome people as a part of the I-House community.
GEMS Modern Academy, Dubai
I scored 93.4% in grade 10 CISCE Board Examinations and later graduated with 98.75% in CICSE Board Examinations (3rd in All India). I also cracked the IIT JEE Advanced 2017 Examinations.