Current Semester (AY20/21 Sem 1)
- ST3248: Statistical Learning 1
- ST3233: Applied Time Series Analysis
- CS4245: Big Data systems for Data Science
- CS3230: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- CP4101: B.Comp Dissertation (Final Year Project) under the guidance of Prof HUANG Ke-Wei
Georgia Tech (January 2020 - May 2020)
- CS4803: Deep Learning
- CS4476: Computer Vision
- CS4650: Natural Language Processing
- ISyE6414: Regression Analysis
- CS4400: Intro to Database Systems
NUS (August 2017 - Present)
- CP3202: Internship 2
- CP3200: Internship 1
- CS2106: Intro to Operatin Systems
- CS2105: Intro to Computer Networks
- CS3203: Software Engineering Project
- ES2660: Communication in the Information Age
- ST2132: Mathematical Statistics
- MA2216: Probability
- CS2103T: Software Engineering
- CS2101: Effective Communication for Computing Professionals
- CS3243: Intro to AI
- CS3244: Machine Learning
- CS2100: Computer Organisation
- CS2040: Data Structures and Algorithms
- CS2030: Programming Methodology 2
- MA1101R: Linear Algebra 1
- MA1521: Calculus for Computing
- CS1231: Discrete Structures
- CS1010: Programming Methodology 1
- CP2106: Independent Software development (Orbital)
- IS1103: Innovation in Organisation
- GER1000: Quantitative Reasoning
- GET1008: Public speaking and critical thinking
- GEH1036: Living with maths
- GEQ1000: Asking Questions
- GES1012: Popular culture in Singapore